Stocks were flat in early trading this week as investors looked forward to turning the page on a rather stark February. For the month, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 were down about 4.2% and 2.6%, respectively. Additionally, bonds gave up most of their gains from January, as interest rates moved markedly higher. After starting February around 3.40%, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note now is trading around 3.95%. Despite the recent sell-off, stocks in the U.S. still are about 3.5% higher for the year.
Several key themes from last year continue to drive market performance in early 2023, specifically the Federal Reserve and inflation. Following higher-than-expected inflation readings over the past month, the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate hiking cycle likely is to continue through the first half of this year. In just about a month, mortgage rates have risen half a percentage point, and that has pushed demand for mortgages to buy a home to a 28-year low. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, mortgage applications to purchase a home dropped 6% week over week. Demand is down 44% compared to the same period last year, when mortgage rates were in the 4% range, compared to nearly 7% today.
For the rest of the week, investors will get a glimpse at the ISM manufacturing index on Wednesday, which is expected to show a modest improvement considering China’s reopening. Thursday morning will bring the Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLT) report, where investors will look for signs of a softening labor market. In addition, there will be several speaking engagements from various members of the Federal Reserve to round out the week.
Source: GSAM, CNBC, JPMorgan
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